Davies Music School is Changing its Structure a little!
We have recently built Studio number 2 at 2 Marche Court and now have hired a huge team of music teachers. We have now gone from 1...
Some Interesting musical websites to check out!
There are many websites that I use for getting info or just getting some extra ideas or music Here is a list of websites to check out: 1....
Using an Online database system
I`ve started using an online scheduling and database system that parents, teachers and staff can use. This is www.mymusicstaff.com I find...
Piano Games and fun activities
Here at Davies Music School, we play lots of fun music games either via the computer, I-pad, tablet or with game cards and activity...
How to Practice the Piano or your chosen Musical Instrument
A lot of parents have been asking me, how does their child practice each week. I normally say for 4-7 beginners, try and get them into a...
Why is learning Music Important?
Many parents always ask, why is learning music important or how does it develop the students cognitive abilities. I found an article...
Davies Music School is Growing!
We here at Davies Music School are continuing to grow and we are starting to get more enquiries coming from other suburbs where we may...
Davies Music School Starts 30th of Jan 2017
Had a good time over here in the USA. It has been a very expensive trip that has been over the last 8 weeks. Looking forward in getting...